Thursday, September 16, 2010

Spirit of 76

One image that was en grained in my mind as a kid was "The Spirit of 76". Even though I wasn't even American, this image, the theme and the idea seemed always around in the American media that came across the boarder. Perhaps this was partly do to the Bicentennial but I wonder why I haven't seen more of this used in the current climate.

The "Don't Tread on Me" flag is an obvious choice for the mood of the day but I think the image of regular men throwing off the rule of Kings and claiming their own land free from tyranny is also appropriate. That is what is at stake.

The free world is no longer "free". The West has fallen under the rule of multitude of busy-bodies and meddling do-gooders. These are the same bossy types who as Children we hated having as teachers. Talking down to us, regulating each thing we do and removing any hope for "fun". They must be voted out, and not just on the national level. How many municipalities, cities and counties have been also taken over by these zombies? All intent on making as many rules as possible for every one's own good. It's horrifying to watch, even from this distance.

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